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Un/domesticated Feminism

Edited by Ida Dominijanni

Issue 8 (4,2) – July-December 2017

Deadline: 30 March 2017

Half a century after the explosion of the so-called “second wave”, the subversive radicality of feminism is threatened by governmental policies and discourses that focus on its domestication. Neoliberal apparatuses, which turn female freedom into entrepreneurial self-affirmation and neutralise sexual difference as one among other fragmented social identities, are added to the recurring trends, of a Marxist and liberal stamp respectively, which reduce the demand for female freedom to an issue of social emancipation or equitable inclusion of women in the democratic citizenship. How do these apparatuses work at political, legal, economic, mass media, psychic and sexual levels? Can they be challenged and countered throwing again the original bet of feminism?

The main topics are: feminism, work’s feminization, sexual difference, gender, neoliberalism, neutralisation

All articles are peer-reviewed using a double-blind peer-review process. Articles must be written in English or in Spanish. Abstracts and keywords must be in English as well as in Spanish in order to facilitate the inclusion in international databases and indexing services.

Papers (with Name, Title, little Abstract – max 20 lines – and Keywords) should be sent


For abstract (500 words max): March 30th, 2017 (acceptance shall be communicated by April 30th, 2017 )

Full Article must be received by June 1th, 2017 (acceptance shall be communicated by September 1th, 2017, after double-blind peer-review).

For author guidelines visit here

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