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Democracia Sin Política. ¿Por Qué la Democracia puede perjudicar seriamente a la Democracia?

by Daniel Innerarity

pp. 18-33 Issue 1 (1,1) – January-June 2014 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232


The article explores the apolitical effects of direct democracy and new activism. According to the author, we do not live in a post-democratic era, but in a post-political one, an era of democracy without politics: what is missing from this political configuration is representation, the institutional mediation through which social demands are turned into public programmes. The article concludes with a defence of indirect democracy and its regulative and judicial authorities which balance the plebiscitary drift of current populism, thus activating the dimension of delegation which is necessary in politics.


Despolitización, soberano negativo, democracia indirecta, política
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