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A Presence that does not make a Difference

by Maria Luisa Boccia

pp. 78-91 Issue 8 (4,2) – July-December 2017 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI: 10.17450/170205


This essay, analyzing the Parliament elected in the 2013 elections –which is the most “pink” in the history of Italian republic– explains the transition from a situation of exclusion to a situation of women’s inclusion in representative Institutions, but also highlights a paradox: female presence has increased, but the “political difference” created by Feminism has been eliminated. The new female presence in the mainstream political and media scene moves away from the feminist genealogy, and uses –at the same time– an ethics of self-entrepreneurship, victimistic and moralist rhetorics, and the traditional image of femininity seen as identity surrogate.


political difference, self-entrepreneurship, identity surrogate, feminism, Female presence
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