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A Revolution with no Model

by Fina Birulés

pp. 46-62 Issue 8 (4,2) – July-December 2017 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI: 10.17450/170203


The main thread of this paper centers on L. Zerilli’s and F. Collin’s analyses of the insurrectional women’s movement of the 1970s, an experience which stressed political praxis and freedom, and the only revolutionary movement which has not based its demands on any prior model. Also, we ask whether, in contrast with this wave of feminism, which situated the problem of freedom within a rethinking of the community and our common world, a part of post feminism has shifted its focus instead to a concern with identity and the subject.


revolution, political freedom, common world, sexual difference, Insurrectional women’s movement
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