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Alianza del Pacífico, un Desafío social a la Integración Comercial

by Manuel Antonio Mejía Baños

pp. 214-244 Issue 9 (5,1) – January-June 2018 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI: 10.17450/180112


The objective of this article is to analyze the social implications of the deep integration initiative Pacific Alliance in the habitants of the associated countries; it constitutes in the Framework Agreement “the need to promote a better quality of life for people, contributing to solve the region problems as poverty, exclusion, and persistent social inequality”. In fact, it pretends to prove the hypothesis the Pacific Alliance is an integration of economic and financial factors, without repercussion on public social politics that revert to the welfare of the majority sectors, affected by poverty and social exclusion, in member countries. To validate the hypothesis, was analyzed the social indicators such as Human Development Index (HDI), inequality index of Gini, unemployment index, poverty and delinquency index, contrasted with the initiative social public politics in education and healthy in the countries to conclude that in effect the Pacific Alliance is a trade integration initiative without relevance in the social problems reduction, that affect the people of the associated countries, because of political volition absence and overconfidence in the market.


education, health, economic growth, Pacific Alliance, inequality, poverty
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