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Alternatives for Spaces of Power for Freedom and Social Justice in Latin American Political Thought

by Pablo Guadarrama González

pp. 102-127 Issue 15 (8,1) – January-June 2021 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI:


Some alternatives of spaces of power of freedom and social justice propose in Latin American political thought at different times are analyzed through some personalities representative of each of them such as Montesinos, Viscardo, Miranda, Bolívar, Martí, Mariátegui and Zea. At every age the alternatives of freedom and social justice have been different but their proponents have been motivated by similar authentic ideas of practical humanism. In order to assess the historical genealogy of contemporary geoeconomic and geopolitical hierarchies it is essential to know the particularities of theoretical production under the theme emanating from different historical and socio-cultural contexts, including Latin American. Regardless of the fact that most of these alternatives languished crushed by the conservatism of the oligarchies that prevailed after the independence struggles, they should not be ignored or underestimated, for not all have constituted abstract utopias.


social justice, political thinking, Freedom, power
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