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Democracy, Pluralism and Enforcement of Rights

Edited by Valeria Giordano

Issue 10 (5,2) – July-December 2018

Deadline: 15 July 2018

Pluralism and Enforcement of Rights.

The editor is Valeria Giordano (University of Salerno).

Soft Power invites submissions of articles of 6,000 to 6,500 words, including footnotes, concerning these themes: pluralism, governance and social rights; cultural pluralism and identity conflicts; value pluralism and legal interpretation; constitucionalism and international justice; enforcement and protection of rights.

Particularly requested topics are: gender, race, religion, war, bioethics, environment y commons.

Philosophical, theoretical, historical and interdisciplinary articles are welcome. All articles are peer-reviewed using a double-blind peer-review process. Articles must be written in English or in Spanish. Abstracts and keywords must be in English as well as in Spanish in order to facilitate the inclusion in international databases and indexing services.

Papers (with Name, Title, little Abstract – max 20 lines – and Keywords) should be sent to

DEADLINES: Full Article must be received by: July 15 th, 2018 (acceptance of the papers shall be communicated by September 15 th, 2018).

For any further information: