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Challenging Borders. The Legacy of Postcolonial Critique in the Present Conjuncture

by Sandro Mezzadra

pp. 20-44 Issue 14 ( 7,2) – July-December 2020 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI:


This paper investigates the implications of the current global economic situation in the development and nature of capitalism through the contribution of postcolonial criticism. The assumption from which they move is that decolonisation is not over at all, although the sense that it takes on is profoundly different than in the past It is a question of saving this project and ‘transposing’ it into a completely different global context. It is not a question of thinking without Modernity or of building epistemological scaffolding, as scholars of the Coloniality/Modernity/Decolonialid group try to do, rather, working on the edges of Western concepts and categories that become open fields of struggle to the intervention of former colonized subjects.


modernity, Decolonisation, capitalism postcolonial, Globalization
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