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Climate Change Regime and the Government of Emergency. A Conceptual Philosophical Analysis

by Filippo Corigliano and Jacopo Marchetti

pp. 90-105 Issue 19 (10,1) – January-June 2023 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI:


In his late writings, Bruno Latour identified a profound mutation of our relationship with the world whose outcomes relapse on the dimension of nature and the human species. The problem of the unity of the world that he evoked from the Anthropocene caesura coincides with a vision dominated by technology that leads to a planetary Climate Leviathan that, in other words, represents a previously unknown planned organization of natural phenomena. Our contribution aims at reflecting on the concerns that the New Climate Regime (and its relationship with the political) launches in a world challenged by the climate emergency. It empathizes that the adaptation of the political produce new techniques of the government of the emergency insofar as the demos – a reality constituted by bodies as political subjects– are excluded from crucial decisions which concern the political.


Latour, Anthropocene, Climate Change Regime, Emergency
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