Editorial: Inclusions
by Federico Chicchi and Antonio Tucci
pp. 10-16 Issue 9 (5,1) – January-June 2018 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI: 1017450/180101
The paradigm based on the conceptual dichotomy between inclusion and exclusion – which has affected the modern era of political and legal thought – is definitely ineffective in portraying assets and institutions as well as political and social forms that currently frame the neoliberal governmentality. From the widely discussed assumption that sovereignty and governmentality are two modalities of government (though different, not alternative), it is necessary to rethink, or at least re-problematize, the conceptual couple of inclusion and exclusion, with a particular emphasis on the first of the two poles, around which would converge, with an inexhaustibility of both contradictions and ambivalences, the most relevant questions of philosophy and the social, political, and legal theory.
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