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Foucault’s PoliticalThought: From Ethopoiesis to Ethopolitics

by Salvo Vaccaro

pp. 116-132 Issue 3 (2,1) – January-June 2015 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232


In this paper, Salvo Vaccaro deals with the thinking of politics by Foucault. Firstly, he opposes to the concept of sovereignty that is pivotal for the political philosophy mainstream, the analytics of power, along with the dispositif of power-knowledge, of governmentality. In this path, Foucault retraces the domination as force of objectivation. Secondly, Vaccaro presents the way by which Foucault reconstructs the lines of subjectivation of the self, looking for a tour into the ancient classicity. But the ultimate exit of a ethical formation of the self does not fulfil Foucault’s strategy of thinking politics. Lastly, Vaccaro proposes a sketch of ethopolitics that may deconstruct politics and morality altogether in their classic view, and open a horizon towards a politics not far distant from ethics, where autonomy and self-government can represent a new formof-life, where politics is not yet analogou


Governmentality, sovereignty, politics, ethopolitics
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