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From the social Solidarity of Emile Durkheim to the Sociality of Marcell Mauss’s Gift

by Emiliana Mangone

pp. 266-291 Issue 14 ( 7,2) – July-December 2020 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI:


This article bases its existence on the hypothesis that altruism or egoism does not exist as behavior, so as claimed by sociobiologists or behaviorists, but there are “altruistic relationships” and “egoistic relationships”. To prove it, we will start from the thought of two authors, Émile Durkheim and Marcel Mauss, since from these we can indirectly deduce references to those behaviors whose benefits are directed to other individuals with respect to those who act, all in a sort of passage from social solidarity of Durkheim to the sociality of Mauss’s gift with the possibility of reconfiguring the Alter / Ego relationship.


Social Solidarity, Gift, Mauss, Sociality, Relationship, Durkheim
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