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Identity Conflicts

by Baldassare Pastore

pp. 60-77 Issue 10 (5,2) – July-December 2018 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI: 10.17450/180204


Identity conflicts pose a series of problems to contemporary liberal-democratic societies. We deal with claims to the recognition of collective identities. The constitutional State is bound to take these requests for recognition seriously and it must guarantee a politics of consideration of cultural differences. The constitutional State must, at the same time, protect integrity and freedom of individuals, ensuring the possibility of being able to live in the world of their culture, the possibility of taking a critical attitude towards this culture, the possibility of breaking with it. The legal coexistence with equal rights for forms of life implies the mutual respect of the different cultural memberships that form own identity. The recognition of equal dignity requires inclusive social relations, which are established through the communicative discourse and which develop in the public political space only through dialogical confrontation.


multiculturalism, social inclusion, recognition, Law and conflict, identity
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