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If Woman Becomes a Metaphor for Death

by Silvia Niccolai

pp. 128-143 Issue 8 (4,2) – July-December 2017 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI: 10.17450/170208


‘Domestication’ is the turning of feminism into a discourse which, rather than challenging and transforming the existing status quo, and particularly the capitalistic mode of production and the whole of practices and ideologies connected to this latter, serves as its support. Why and with what results, such a turning towards Domestication has taken place? This article contributes to this largely debated issue by proposing to think that the domestication of feminism is linked to the domination of ‘Gender’ as an analytical and political tool.


Domestication, capitalism, feminism, gender
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