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Intersubjectivity or Transindividuality. The Feuerbach-Stirner-Marx Triangle

by Vittorio Morfino

pp. 60-87 Issue 13 (7,1) – January-June 2020 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI:


The paper tests the alternative intersubjectivity- transindividual, by projecting it on the debate around the question of the individual and gender relationship that were developed around the early 1940s in Germany between Feuerbach, Stirner and Marx. The radical nature of the positions put into play in the debate has a certain paradigmatic function: if Stirner’s nominalism shows the unavoidable solipstical outcomes of the intersubjective tradition, the Marxian transindividualism shows instead its imaginary necessity within the capitalist mode of production.


Transindividualid, Intersubjectividad, Stirner, Marx/Intersubjectivity, Feuerbach
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