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Much Ado about Nothing? DDL Zan, eternal Fascism and the Ghosts of Sexuality

by Lorenzo Bernini

pp. 279-286 Issue 16 (8,2) – July-December 2021 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI:


From time immemorial, human civilizations have attempted to regulate the sexual through the family and reproduction, which give sex a meaning, many meanings, that it does not have in itself: the creation of stable relationships, material support, affectivity, the projection of life into the future. Therefore, claiming an integration that goes through the acquisition of marriage rights, lesbians and gays have not shown any originality, retracing the widely beaten path of a redemption of the sexual into a promise of love. In a heterocisexist imaginary that remains widely shared even where same-sex couples have obtained legal recognition, homosexual sex, sterile in itself, nevertheless remains a symbol of the sexual in its wild and senseless, unredeemed and unredeemable expression, as the gender expressions that do not conform to the binary standards of a male and a female defined by their mutual, exclusive, but not symmetrical, attraction.

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