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Ni Una Menos. Politics on a Planetary Scale

by Federica Giardini

pp. 42-58 Issue 15 (8,1) – January-June 2021 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI:


In the twenty years that have followed the emergence of globalization, the political scene has gradually lent itself to analyses centered on the crisis, not only of the tendency towards integration between different regions of the world, but of the globalizing perspective itself, to the point of converging towards the exact opposite, i.e. the renewed fragmentation expressed by neo-sovereignisms. This analytical periodization, however, does not question the very constitution of the political, since the role played by the conflicting forces that have marked different regions of the globe is neglected. The beginning of the twenty-first century, although with some differences compared to the great mobilizations of the late twentieth century, was in fact marked by significant conflicts, widespread and connected in a peculiar way, which not only complement and extend the phenomena examined, but impose a paradigmatic shift. Which in turn demands a conception of politics in line with the approach of “new materialism”, a large scale and situated expression of which can be found in the transnational movement «Ni Una Menos», and in its analytical and conceptual production.


feminism, Transfeminist Movements, cosmopolitics
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