Edited by: Valeria Giordano
Issue 5 (3,1) – Janyary-June 2016
ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232
Valeria Giordano, Editorial: Soft and Hard Power. Coexistence or Conflict between Paradigms?
pp. 12-17 DOI: 1017450/160101
José Luis Villacañas Berlanga, Some Theses on Soft Power and real Subsumption
pp. 18-45 DOI: 1017450/160102
Francesco Riccobono, Metamorphosis of the Concept of Legality
pp. 46-55 DOI: 1017450/160103
Alfio Mastropaolo, The legitimate Competition for the Government Monopoly
pp. 56-73 DOI: 1017450/160104
Tamar Pitch, The Issue of Security
pp. 74-97 DOI: 1017450/160105
Geminello Preterossi, The Power and the Sacred: The impossible Goodbye?Between Political Theology and Economic Theology
pp. 98-107 DOI: 1017450/160106
José Antonio Seoane, Improving bioethical Decision-making with a little Help from legal Argumentation
pp. 108-129 DOI: 1017450/160107
Valeria Giordano, Inside and outside Legality: A pluralistic and social Construction of Law
pp. 130-145 DOI: 1017450/160108
Francesco Amoretti and Mauro Santaniello, Between Reason of State and Reason of Market: The Developments of Internet Governance in historical Perspective
pp. 146-167 DOI: 1017450/160109
Pablo Guadarrama González, Possibilities and Obstacles of Democracy and Human Rights within Political Philosophy from Latin America
pp. 168-191 DOI: 1017450/160110
Sobre la “Primera Jornada Internacional de Filosof ía del Derecho y Estado Constitucionales” Bogotá, 4 de noviembre del año 2015 // Sobre “Vita , politica, contingenza”- Summer School Erice, 8-12 de junio del año 2015
Óscar Alexis Agudelo Giraldo, Intersections cetween Constitutionalisms
pp. 195-208 DOI: 1017450/160111
Jorge Enrique León Molina, Aspirational Constitutionalism and Peace between Democracy and Opinion
pp. 209-218 DOI: 1017450/160112
Manuel Asdrúbal Prieto Salas, Is it possible to create Metarules to regulate the popular Control of constitutional Interpretation?
pp. 219-228 DOI: 1017450/160113
Filippo Corigliano, The Emancipation of Citizenship: From Law to Conflict
pp. 231-238 DOI: 1017450/160114
Lisa Rose, Social Housing as a Governance Normative Apparatus
pp. 239-247 DOI: 1017450/160115
Fulvio Forte, The Populist Device: the Populist Device: People, Professional Politicians and the Crisis of Representation
pp. 249-267 DOI: 1017450/160116