Edited by: Massimo De Carolis and Giso Amendola
Issue 17 (9,1) – January-June 2022
ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232
Massimo De Carolis and Giso Amendola, Editorial: Value and Power in Emergency Governance
pp. 12-16 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14718/SoftPower.2022.9.1.1
Emiliano Brancaccio and Samuele Bibi, Catastrophe or Revolution
pp. 18-45 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14718/SoftPower.2022.9.1.2
Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval, A “Retour” of State Sovereignty?
pp. 46-63 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14718/SoftPower.2022.9.1.3
Federica Giardini, Value vs. Measure. Social Reproduction and the Critics of Political and Ecological Economy
pp. 64-81 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14718/SoftPower.2021.8.2.4
Francesco Raparelli, Currency, Governance, Federalism. What Perspectives for a Renewed Democracy in Europe?
pp. 118-139 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14718/SoftPower.2021.8.2.6
PLUS (Platform Labour in Urban Spaces), Investigating Platforms. A Critical Lexicon
pp. 164-187 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14718/SoftPower.2022.9.1.8
Giuseppe Aprile, Freedom as Self-risk and Happiness in Narration: A Feminist Quest for Non-Sovereign Horizons in Democratic Theory
pp. 190-209 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14718/SoftPower.2022.9.1.9
Valerio Nitrato Izzo, Reading Radbruch’s Philosophy of Law: The Usefulness of Moral Conflict and Contradictions for the Constitutional State
pp. 210-219 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14718/SoftPower.2022.9.1.10
Martha Lucía Quiroga Riviere, The European Union in view of the 2015-Refugee-Crisis
pp. 220-246 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14718/SoftPower.2022.9.1.11
Sobre El Libro Pierre Dardot, Christian Laval Dominer. Enquête Sur La Souveraineté De L’état en Occident (La Découverte 2020)
Laura Bazzicalupo, A Francocentric Critique of the State
pp. 249-254 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14718/SoftPower.2022.9.12
Adalgiso Amendola, Sovereignty: Permanence or Spectral Comeback?
pp. 255-263 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14718/SoftPower.2022.9.13