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Obstaculating and Helping Factors for a Peace Process trhough Negotiation from the El Salvador and Caguan Experience

by Karen Lorena Mora Forero

pp. 34-55 Issue 6 (3,2) – July-December 2016 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI: 1017450/160203


In the present article the author establishes, defines, classifies and analyzes the factors that could be present in the Latin American peace process, based on the experience of the peace process in El Salvador and the Caguán, Colombia. Analyses about the phenomenon of the “failures” or “successes” of the peace process, and shows the necessity in Latin America to carry out peace negotiations that should search the transformation, preservation and eradication of the conflict looking for the peacebuilding.


peacebuilding, negotiation of peace, conflict, obstructive and becoming factor, Peace process
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