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Pluralism and social Law Theory from a Latin-american Perspective

by Antonio Carlos Wolkmer

pp. 98-113 Issue 10 (5,2) – July-December 2018 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI: 10.17450/180206


The proposal of the present article highlights some theoretical-practical tendencies that are influencing, in the last decades, the field of the political philosophy and the theory of the law. As a product of insurgent democratic social movements and their resistance struggles, alternative paradigms and new institutional knowledge emerged in the Andes region, such as Ecuador (2008) and Bolivia (2009). Therefore, the text aims to demonstrate, first, tradition, ruptures and advances in Latin American constitutionalist theory to conclude, bringing the reference of pluralism and its contribution to the decolonization and social reordering of law theory.


Latin constitucionalism, legal pluralism, social theory, decolonization
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