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Simone Regazzoni, «Iperomanzo. Filosofia come narrazione complessa», Il Melangolo, Genova 2018, pp. 110

by Ishvarananda Cucco

pp. 377-380 Issue 12 (6,2) – July-December 2019 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI:


I immediately mark an aspect that strikes. Simone Regazzoni’s book moves with a certain agility on the edge of a dizzying void: the crisis of logos. Author’s ability to condense a large and complex picture into a small volume is surprising, especially since the synthetic construction of the book does not seem to affect its analytical capacity. On the contrary, this construction is the result of a precise approach of the author, which aims to draw in its peculiar features a general picture, its critical point and the possible way out of a problem that has long interrogated philosophy in an increasingly pressing way. The starting diagnosis is unequivocal: crisis of the logos means impotence of philosophy as “true discourse, concatenation of concepts”; the logos is no longer able to describe what Jacques Derrida called “the game of the world”, that is, the “space of a reality as a complex network of references that does not envisage any center, any presence, any truth” (p. 14). The logos becomes mute facing the extreme complexity of the modern world. The paradox in which theoretical thought is lost lays all in this aphasia of philosophical discourse, coping with something whose presence is felt but cannot be named. But what exactly does philosophy no longer seem able to say? It is a matter full of elusive conceptualizations but which can be framed in a first approach as multiplicity, or difference.

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