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The dark Side of Sovereignty. The Question of Government in a historical-epistemological Perspective

by Marco Ferrari

pp. 38-67 Issue 18 (9,2) – July-December 2022 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI:


This paper aims to question the concept of government in a historical-epistemological perspective. In the first part, I will outline the features and stakes of such questioning, starting with a discussion of conceptual history and the history of governmentality (and their limitations). In the second part, I will seek to sketch out the possible trajectory of such ‘epistemological history’ of the concept of government, showing how – and in what way – it is intertwined with that pivoted on the concepts of sovereignty and representation. To do so, I will focus on two episodes in particular: physiocracy and neoliberalism.


conceptual history, history of govern- mentality, physiocracy, modern science, neoliberalism, Government, cybernetics, Epistemological history of political concepts
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