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The Mammoletta-Mammet complex and the sexed Truth of neoliberal Digitality

by Andrea Righi

pp. 160-176 Issue 8 (4,2) – July-December 2017 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI: 10.17450/170210


In this essay, I lay out a critique of neoliberal digitality from the vantage point of the thought of sexual difference. I consider the ways in which crowdworking platforms such as the Mechanical Turk micromanage digital living labor thus generating surplus value in the form of piece-work labor, rent, and increased scalability of the system. I then provide a discussion of the genealogy of Mechanical Turk demonstrating its clear sexed origins –what I identify as the mammet complex– as well as its relations to the sphere of reproduction. This forms the basis for a reconsideration of the potential for opposition that lurks in this model that I assemble by recapitulating key insights in Luisa Muraro’s considerations on what she calls the maternal continuum through a reading of Walter Benjamin.


temporality, platform capitalism, sexual difference, Digitality
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