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The New Climate Regime between Latour and Serres: The théâtre des Négociations and the Eutopia of the Park

by Orsola Rignani

pp. 106-124 Issue 19 (10,1) – January-June 2023 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI:


Addressing the New Climate Regime between Bruno Latour and Michel Serres consists here in drawing attention to ‘assonant terms’ (language of the world and retroaction), applying to them the Serresian operation of translation, which could allow to grasp the ‘variations’ and the ‘invariant’. Starting with Latour’s remarks (Face à Gaïa) on Serres’ Le Contrat naturel, that is credited with pioneering attention to the idea that the Earth ‘retroacts’ to what ‘we’ do to it, I analyze Latour’s reflections with specific reference to his interest in Serres’ idea of translation. I then move on to examine Latour’s geopolitical suggestions (Face à Gaïa) and translate them into Serresian positions (Parc National des Pyrénées). My journey concludes with a problematic reflection on Latourian-Serresian invitation to follow the lines that connect us to things, and to shed light on the compositions to which the human gives rise with the non-human.


eutopia, Language of the world, retroaction, agency, translation
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