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The Peace Process in Colombia and transitional penal Justice

by Luigi Ferrajoli

pp. 18-32 Issue 6 (3,2) – July-December 2016 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI: 1017450/160202


This article addresses from a general questioning of the plebiscite endorsement process to the peace accords signed between the government of Colombia and the farc-ep guerrillas, the nature of peace as a social and normative imperative. Firstly, an approach to transitional justice is made as an ideal tool to promote reconciliation processes. Secondly, two components are proposed as guarantees for peacebuilding: the affirmation of the legitimate monopoly of force by part of the State and with it the favoring of the rejection of arms, and the development of democracy in its political or formal and social or substantial dimensions.


democracy, Colombia, peace, transitional justice, reconciliation
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