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“We” Who Dwell: How is Cohabitation in the City?

by Petar Bojanic

pp. 154-166 Issue 7 (4,1) – January-June 2017 ISSN (online): 2539/2239 ISSN (print): 2389-8232 DOI: 1017450/170109


In the paper I analyze Heidegger’s important text on dwelling, along with several fragments from various philosophers specifically inspired by this text, in an attempt to show that dwelling is not treated as the communal life of group of people in a given time or place. Dwelling is individual, does not assume life with others, nor indeed counts on there being conversation or communication. My intention is to uncover forms of communal life and joint responsibility in the city –a new philosophy of care for the community.


family, We, public, philosophy, dwelling, group
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